

Kelly Kniewel

Director of Partnerships & Whoa! Curator

Kelly is a travel enthusiast and certified tour guide based in Chicago, who loves working remotely—as a nomad—as often as possible. When not fostering partner relationships with the guest experience-based app, eATLAS, she enjoys making new friends from around the planet while hosting guests as an Airbnb host and leading walking, kayaking, food and virtual cooking tours and experiences. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook as @ChiCitiGirl Treks & Bites.


Dave Lifton

Whoa!Guide & Blog Correspondent

Dave Lifton has long had a love of neon signs, but he’s become more interested in exploring their history since his first visit lo Las Vegas’ soulful Neon Museum in 2017.


Jon Matuzak

President of eATLAS

Jon’s career previously revolved around the production and delivery of technology services pointed at marketers. Then he was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and is now delighted to be working with a group working to make eATLAS a household word. He’ll appear from time-to-time in the eATLAS blog sharing the history, quirks, and crannies that make places special.
